We depend on regular donations to ensure stability and security for our work in Uganda. Monthly donations cover every day running expenses for example, school employees’ salaries for teachers, careers, school nurses, accountant, rent, electricity, water, food and other fixed expenses.


By sponsoring this child, you will give him proper education and food, also clothing and medical help if necessary. We encourage you to pay every 3 months as school fees are paid at the beginning of each term and all school provisions have to be purchased at the beginning of each term.

Educational Materials

Support  our work to provide clothing and medical help if necessary. We encourage you to pay every 3 months as school fees are paid at the beginning of each term and all school provisions have to be purchased at the beginning of each term.

Medical Supplies

We need your support to provide proper education and food, also clothing and medical help if necessary. We encourage you to pay every 3 months as school fees are paid at the beginning of each term and all school provisions have to be purchased at the beginning of each term.


Become a Volunteer

Vulnerable Volunteer with Children.

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Become a Volunteer

Teach in Rural Uganda for 6 Weeks.

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Become a Volunteer

by Giving a Donation to support Orphans.

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Support Our Work by Giving a Donation to support the vulnerable children.

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